Sample Program Descriptions
Storytelling for Influence
Inspire, Problem-Solve, and Deepen Connection
The ability to influence others when stakes are high can have a huge impact on a career, a team, an organization. Storytelling, the ancient communication method, taps into the fundamental way our brain makes meaning and helps us understand new concepts, engage deeply, ignite our passion, and connect with others to have greater impact. In this active, practical session, you will unpack the building blocks of great storytelling to make this innate, unconscious meaning-making process conscious.
Participants will leave with a fully crafted story of their own, and a storytelling toolkit to apply in business contexts and beyond to communicate with clarity and purpose and engage audiences both formal and informal. Participants will:
Understand the power of story as a meaning-making and influencing tool
Acquire tools for identifying your message and the needs, values and preferences of your audience.
Use key structures to create well-organized narratives that drive toward your key message
Distinguish between action and description in order to craft compelling and memorable stories customized for the moment and the audience
Recognize your individual storytelling strengths and habits
Story Circles
Using personal Storytelling to Unleash Wisdom and Creatively Solve Problems
Tips and advice are easy to come by, but sometimes information isn’t what we need. Koppett’s story circles are a facilitated conversation designed to surface the wisdom that lies within each of us.
Focused on a specific topic, the discussion moves from hearing each participant's personal story to the insights we can apply to the challenges we're facing today. In one of these sessions, participants will:
Tap into the learning from their individual experiences
Identify and apply themes and lessons that organically emerge
Increase connection as a team
Develop a practical strategy and tactics to address identified problems